A cartoon white and yellow chihuahua wearing a yellow vest which says 'Assistance Dog, do not distract'. It is wearing a blue bandana and is looking at you.

Getting An Assistance Dog

As a disabled person, whether or not you should get an assistance dog can be a hard decision. Below you can find a range of pages that goes over the basics around assistance dogs ,as well as, some of the training options available to you. We recommend using this information with other resources and conversations with your friends, family, doctors and already existing assistance dog handlers where possible. This resource is not designed to be used on it’s own as it’s important to explore whether an assistance dog is right for you as thoroughly as possible. We hope you find it helpful!

General Information

This page goes over the general information around assistance dogs such as what they are and the laws around them

A cartoon of a sitting blue roan cocker spaniel with a purple collar and vest which says 'Assistance Dog'

Is an Assistance Dog right for you?

This page goes over a few of the things you should consider when considering whether an assistance dog may be right for you.

A cartoon of a yellow ID card which says 'Identification' at the top, there is a blue rosette on it and a picture of a german sheperd type dog


This page explores some of the common misconceptions around assistance dogs.

Rolled-up diploma with a dog paw ribbon

Training Options

This page goes over some of the ways you can acquire an assistance dog

A cartoon black lab puppy sitting down with it's tongue out wearing a graduation cap. To the right of the puppy there is a stack of books

Training Provider List

This is our list of training providers and organisations based in the UK and the channel islands

A cartoon white and yellow chihuahua wearing a yellow vest which says 'Assistance Dog, do not distract'. It is wearing a blue bandana and is looking at you.

Organisation Groups

This page goes over some of the groups, bodies and coalitions that some assistance dog organisations are part of that you may of heard of.


This page goes over some of the differences between assistance dogs in the USA and in the UK

A cartoon of a sitting border collie with it's head tilted. There are 3 question marks around it's head and it looks confused.


This is a glossary for the terms used around the assistance dog world in the UK

A cartoon of the head of a happy nova scotia duck tolling retriever holding a blue web globe like a ball

External Resources

This is a list of external resources on assistance dogs and other disability related resources.

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