CATE UK is an education hub for assistance dogs in the UK. We provide information and signposting for disabled people, the general public and businesses around the topic of assistance dogs.
There are many ways you can get an assistance dogs including being provided one by a programme or owner training. There is no single route to get an assistance dog. You can find out more by visiting our Assistance Dogs area
It is possible to train a dog as an assistance dog for mental health if your mental health condition is considered a disability under the Equality Act 2010 or Disability Act 1995. These are called psychiatric assistance dogs and should go through the same level of training as other types of assistance dog. These are different to emotional support animals.
Training providers are judged up to our criteria with publicly available information. Please be aware that just because an training provider is not on the list, it doesn’t mean they are any less legitimate. Newer training providers are unlikely to fit our criteria and we have excluded certain types of training providers due to it being hard to assess them.
We are hoping to start to take on volunteers soon but currently can not at this time
Yes, we are able to respond to media enquiries where possible
There is no registry for assistance dogs in the UK. We recommend when training your own assistance dog independently to reach at least IAADP minimum standards for public access or completing a public access test with a trainer or organisation.
We do not train assistance dogs but provide information around them and where you can find training providers.
No. Training providers are only assessed by publicly available information online. This means that there can be massive oversights within our assessments. We are not a accrediting body nor do we intent to be. The list is only meant to be used as a aid to research and not a way to confirm the legitimacy of a training provider.
Though we may work with organisations from time to time, CATE UK is independently run. We believe that collaboration is an integral part of progress within the assistance dog sector, and endeavour to work alongside others wherever possible.
We are hoping to start to take donations soon but are unable at this time.
Yes, we always appreciate research done in this area and are willing to answer any questions where possible.
You can find out more by going to our Contact Page